Server Maintenance Monday 25 Aug 4 AM EST

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Our major area of interest is Honda GoldWing, especially "naked" and customized GoldWings. We will also highly welcome our brothers and sisters on their fulldressers. Have fun.

Moderator: Whiskerfish

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Server Maintenance Monday 25 Aug 4 AM EST


Post by Whiskerfish »

Hopefully this will only last 15 minutes like they claim and not hours like last time ;) ;) ;)
On Monday, August 25th at 4am datacenter local time (see schedule below), we will be performing a series of reboots across our entire Flex VPS, Flex Dedicated and SolidFire customer base to improve the security and stability of systems. The maintenance will accomplish two important tasks:

1) To reboot onto a kernel that addresses intermittent stability issues that have been seen on the most recent vendor-supplied Linux kernels.
2) To install a stable, live kernel image patching system - part of the series of recently announced service upgrades - that will limit the need for future reboots.

We believe that the new kernel will provide a marked improvement in stability, and are particularly excited about the addition of the live kernel image patching system. In rare circumstances, kernel updates that address stability may still require future reboots. However, most required kernel updates we issue address security issues. Following this maintenance, we will be able to provide most kernel security updates without a reboot.

We expect the maintenance window to last approximately two hours, and during that time, your server is likely to be inaccessible for approximately 15 minutes from the time of reboot. During the maintenance window, we ask that you not open tickets within the portal unless they are urgent in nature. We appreciate your patience as we work to ensure the security and stability of your content and data.

Datacenter Schedule:

Reston, VA:
Monday, August 25, 2014 at 4:00:00 AM EDT

--ServInt Managed Services Team
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Psst. oh and by the way CHANGE YOUR BELTS!!!!
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