Fit, refit, and refit

Tips and Recommendations from Guru Mike Nixon

Moderator: Whiskerfish

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Fit, refit, and refit


Post by mikenixon »


When building a hot rod engine, it is often necessary to custom-shape the piston crowns. In fact this is the primary reason for and advantage of forged pistons--they are made to permit this. This Axtel-sourced made-by-JE 97mm piston was going into a really knarly big bore large valve stroked H-D Evo (that eventually made 120 horses at the rear wheel, normally-aspirated), and increasing the valve flycuts in preparation for fitting resulted in a problem, hence the piston was cut in half to confirm that. See the issue?


Yup. No bueno. A little too close. This particular cam/valve/head/piston combination was not going to work. One scrap piston. Next!
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