This is where discussions of EFI systems, Dual Carbs, Single Carb mods and plans can be discussed and shared.
If you are working on or have a problem with stock carbs then your questions do not belong here, please post them in the Goldwing Tech Discussions Forum.
Rednaxs60 wrote:Very cool!! Have to keep busy during the long winters out east.
Yes there are a few of us following. I'm not as far ahead as you are. Intend to do an ECU upgrade/replacement on my '85 LTD FI model, have settled on the Speeduino as well. Need to read your thread again to reacquaint myself with your build. Mine is here at: viewtopic.php?f=47&t=67329
The Speeduino and getting to know it is quite challenging.
its cool to see another goldwing switching to speeduino. Shouldn't be too tough of a build with a bike that has most the sensors. And the firmware for speeduino is probably more stable since i updated it last summer. I'm really just winging it with all this efi stuff. I will have a read through your post some time, more than one way to skin a cat, as they say.
Thanks. The reason for my interest in an upgrade/replacement ECU is that mine is old, the CFI system is there, but without an ECU the bike becomes a boat anchor. The ECU on the bike, if you can find a replacement, is quite expensive, and still old.
It's been a good learning experience to date.
"When writing the Story of your life, don't let anyone else hold the pen."
This is an old post. The issue with doing an EFI conversion is getting all the parts and pieces, and specs for these for the system. It is a lot of work and considerable trial and error. I've read a lot of forum threads on this and not many of these conversions come to fruition. If an EFI Gold Wing is your aim, may want to consider buying an '85/'86 EFI model. Could also pick up a barn find or one with a foot in the grave so to speak as a learning platform. Some people have purchased the parts from an '85/'86 EFI model to use.
Good luck.
"When writing the Story of your life, don't let anyone else hold the pen."
I currently own Socrace’ 81 he masterfully efi’d via megasquirt. So far bullet proof. I left it all winter/summer and it will still fire at the bump of the starter button. He seems to have nailed it if anyone is thinking of doing this his thread would be a good blueprint.
Last edited by Figor on Tue Aug 30, 2022 8:35 am, edited 1 time in total.