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GL1000 fork seal installation questions

Posted: Thu Jan 23, 2025 6:24 pm
by jimbonaut
Gents, couple of questions as I'm about to rebuild these forks. Can someone please remind me of the order to replace the flat metal ring and seal. When I took them out there was also a wiper seal but that's not included in the new seal set I received (I know they're no longer used). So yeah, is it metal ring then seal or the other way round?

Also, can the seal be installed into the lower tube before the upper fork is installed into the lower fork? Gawd that's a horrible sentence. But I hope it made sense - I ask because I might find it easier to install the seal into the lower fork and then install the upper fork tube into the lower fork tube. Just wondering, cheers

Re: GL1000 fork seal installation questions

Posted: Thu Jan 23, 2025 6:53 pm
by pidjones
I always assemble the bottom and put the bolt in it before installing the seal/snap ring/dust cover. I think any other way risks damage to the seal. Make dure it all gets lubed with ATF before assembly

Re: GL1000 fork seal installation questions

Posted: Thu Jan 23, 2025 6:59 pm
by jimbonaut
Thanks pid. What about the installation order of the flat metal ring and fork seal however? I know the retainer ring goes on last, obviously.

Re: GL1000 fork seal installation questions

Posted: Fri Jan 24, 2025 6:50 pm
by pidjones
I think the flat ring is left out, now.

Re: GL1000 fork seal installation questions

Posted: Sat Jan 25, 2025 12:06 pm
by jimbonaut
Really? I know the wiper seal is left out but thought the flat washer is still used. I looked at the shop manual and it looks like the washer is installed first, then the seal (then of course the retainer ring).

I've taken a few forks apart now but never ones quite like these on the GL. For one thing, when disassembling the forks the top part pulls easily out of the lower, which makes taking them apart straightforward but getting the seal out a real bugger.