Has Whiskerfish really run NGW for seven years?

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Has Whiskerfish really run NGW for seven years?


Post by roncar »

This week, 7 years ago, Whiskerfish took the reigns of NGW.

A big thank you for taking on the webmaster responsibilities. While both previous webmasters had great contributions in the creation, recovery, and sustainability of the website, Whiskerfish has stuck with it for 7 years now.
A real challenge to keep true to Try's original concept of a family friendly community, at least for a salty ol' sailor. lolol

Here's to 7+ more and again thank you. anim-cheers1

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Re: Has Whiskerfish really run NGW for seven years?


Post by Whiskerfish »

Wow!! Some days it seems like forever and some days it seems like yesterday!!
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2008 GL1800 IIIA "TH3DOG"
1984 GL1200 Standard
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Psst. oh and by the way CHANGE YOUR BELTS!!!!
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