
for those of you that have M.B.S. (multiple bike syndrome) and have the "silver wing" models.
as our sponsors also have supplies for those bikes and they are popular with the "wing" crowd.

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No Rain
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Track T 2411
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Re: GL650 conversion to Interstate


Post by Track T 2411 »

I haven't worked on a 650, but Mother Honda tends to make things pretty easy. I did an 1100, and basically, everything is plug-n-play. If you are buying the fairing, bags, and mounts separately, just make sure you get all the associated wiring, brackets, and hardware. The wiring is all sub-harnesses, and plug into the main harness. If you can find a wiring diagram, it will make it easier. If by chance you've got an Interstate as a parts bike, I'd recommend doing one section at a time, transferring from one bike to the other. My 2 cents...
"I have no special talent. I am only passionately curious." - Albert Einstein

"He that is good with a hammer tends to think everything is a nail" - Abraham Maslow

"If you can't take the time to do it right the first time, how are you ever going to find the time to do it over?" -Unknown

Current Rides:
'Grumpy' - '81 Standard, now fully dressed.
'Layla' - '81 Standard w/dealer installed fairing and Hondaline bags.
'Scarlett' '76 'Survivor' nekkid as a j-bird!

Under Construction:
The 'Jalopy' '78-'79 Mash-up
'Quikie' '81 gl1100I back on the lift, project with the step-son!

In The Shed:
'81 gl1100I barn find aka "Josie, the farmer's daughter." (almost comatose build)
'77 gl1000, roller parts bike.
'82 gl1100I, 'Old Crusty' titled roller parts bike (free!)
'82 gl1100I, My first 'Wing, and an expensive lesson!
New2U Bike? Read Me.
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