Gear shift indicator 1980 gl1100

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Gear shift indicator 1980 gl1100


Post by tedfeast »

Hello all!
Real quick, has anyone managed to install an after market gear indicator on thier pre 83 gl1100?
I know the 83 has one.
I'm curious if anyone got one installed on their 80 -82 model and how they did it.
Got me one of those digital ones and
Looking for tips for install.
Thanks in advance!
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Sidecar Bob
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Re: Gear shift indicator 1980 gl1100


Post by Sidecar Bob »

I've never heard of an aftermarket gear indicator for an 1100. Wouldn't something like that require a special switch in the transmission?

The only things my '83 came with that could be considered "gear indicators" were the neutral light and the "overdrive indicator" light in the tach. As I understand it the overdrive light was supposed to light up when the transmission was in 5th gear but the '83's engine was seized when I got it so I traded it off and installed my good working '79 engine that didn't have the switch for the overdrive light so it never worked for me and I didn't miss it.
The '82 engine I installed a few years ago also doesn't have the switch for the overdrive light and the electronic instrument panel I installed a few years before doesn't have the light anyway. I still don't miss it
Mr. Honda ('83 GL1100/Dnepr) summer How a motorcycle evolves thread
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Re: Gear shift indicator 1980 gl1100


Post by tedfeast »

Its not specifically made for a gl1100.
Its just an aftermarket gizmo you install yourself.
Has magnets that trigger the shift indicator to change the gear numbers up and down.
Just wondered if anyone had managed to install one.
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Sidecar Bob
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Re: Gear shift indicator 1980 gl1100


Post by Sidecar Bob »

Ahh, OK.
Well anyway the '83s don't have anything like that.
Mr. Honda ('83 GL1100/Dnepr) summer How a motorcycle evolves thread
The Famous Eccles ('84 CX650EI/VeloUral) winter Never Ending Build (CX500forum)
Click: Colour schematics for all GL1000 & GL1100 and GL1200 standard models plus instructions on how to download the full size version
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