For Sale / 77' Goldwing

Miscellaneous GoldWing Related Parts, and GoldWing for sale.

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For Sale / 77' Goldwing


Post by RogueCreature »

Well, I have come to the sad conclusion its time for me to sell the bike.
i havent had it running since my post history described as much.
Part of me is sad to let it go. My Dad gave me this bike but its just not in my bandwidth to do on my own. Never was.
I appreciate all the help through the years, especially AlWing who spent much time both with me and with out me on this bike. Thanks to everyone else for the chatter and such.
I miss the community back east; but such is life. I met a few of you and always admired what you guys can and do to/for these beautiful machines.
I need help deciding to part out or sell whole.
I plan to get some pictures of its current state up within a few weeks.
It is currently being stored at my moms, the cover tore, and she constantly watered around it. Its rather dusty.
im thinking of firing her up just to make sure she will still turn but the overheating was the major previous issue.
if you have any interest let me know. I may give her one good last cleaning before I say goodbye.
Im in greater San Diego.
I will throw it out, if there any members who are willing to restore it for me im certainly happy to hire you as in pay you to do what i cannot.
if youd rather purchase it id love to see it go to someone who will do with it what i wanted to do but part of letting go, is in fact letting go.
Feel free to find me on facebook Ted Bellezza.
1977 GL1000 Once upon a time
Some have said i have the patience of a rock. I know myself to well to say the same.
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