Plans: Naked EFI wing running Speeduino management, eventually turbocharged.
Was turned onto this forum from a reddit post recently involving a naked wing. Loved it. Immediately started my search for one. After looking at four or five bikes, this one showed up.

Not only cheaper than the others I had already looked at, but in much better shape as well. Paid the gentleman $950 to deliver it to me, about half an hours worth of riding. A good sign that he trusted it enough to make the ride, and that the bike made it with no issues. Others I had looked at were 100% going to need full carb rebuilds, plus a bunch of other maintenance. Day it showed up, I started stripping. Didn't have a lot of time, but by the end of the first day she looked like this.

Boxes pulled, some cleaning done, general inspections to see what kind of shape it was in. Overall impressed, very good shape throughout. After a bit more stripping...

As she sits. Need a headlight and front signals, parts are on their way. EFI prototyping is under way, 3d printing test pieces to check fitment against stock intakes. Plan right now is Speeduino ECU controlling 4 snowmobile-based throttle body units. I am friends with some guys deep in the development of the Speeduino project ( if you'd like to take a look, or and they've done goldwing conversions in the past. I haven't done the EFI conversions, but I have a lot of experience making turbochargers fit where they generally shouldn't. That's where my part in the project will come in.
Keep your eyes open as I make progress! It may be a bit slow on a college students budget, but I needed a project and this is it. Thanks!
Wifes bike and mine, just a ninja 250. May EFI that as well.