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Tips and Recommendations from Guru Mike Nixon

Moderator: Whiskerfish

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Early 'Wing Guru
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Random collage


Post by mikenixon »


A collage of thought-provoking images from the shop.Counting left to right beginning at upper left, have you ever seen dog hair accumulated inside carburetors? That is a float valve seat we're looking at. Nasty! At #2 that is a GL1000 carb casting, fresh out of the ultrasonic. Nice, huh? Pix #3 is of the bottom of the ultrasonic tank when it is being drained prior to replenishing the cleaning solution. Scummy. Pix #4 shows a cylinder boring machine in action, and #5 the end result of boring six cylinders in a row at 3mm metal removal each. Over a pound of cast-iron dust. Pix 6 shows a busy period of doing CBX1000 cylinder heads, two stacked up, completed. Pix 7 and 8 are of 53,000-mile piston rings out of a Honda CB550. Note that one-fourth or more of the top side of the ring is worn away. Lastly, pix #9 illustrates what happens when you stick a drill bit or wire or anything under the throttle plate when bench-syncing your carbs. Not a pretty sight. :)
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