A friend of mine dropped by today to GIVE me a 2002 (??...pretty sure that's the year) HD Road King! He said he saved it from a cousin's garage, who's widow just 'didn't want it cluttering up the garage', knew I was into old bikes and he didn't want it, so gave it to me! (Nice Friend!

Only 'problem' is, I'm not really a Harley guy, so have no idea what to do with this beast. I'm happy to have it, but still...it's 720 lbs wet - it came with a full tank of good gas, fresh battery and fuel injection, a new coil in the box, chrome leg shields, a new shift lever and even a cover! It cranks mightily strong, but I can't get it to fire. I'm wondering if the security key fob has anything to do with this...maybe the fob's battery is dead/has anything to do with it??
Pretty high mileage, if I'm reading this right, and hasn't been on the road since 2019...

The heads on the left side are a bit grimy (the smudges are mine, wiping to see if that's oil or just road grime)...

...and I'm wondering if these two switches are stock, or what...? They look factory, with both 'On' and "off' labels on the switches, but I have no idea what they do...I thought it might be a combination kill-switch, but even after fiddling with them I get No Joy...

And NO, I'm not going to rush out and start getting dressed in black and orange any time soon (shudder!) - but what am I dealing with here? It's literally all there but even fuel injected it just won't fire. I haven't gone through it or tested for spark yet, but...Security key fob, maybe? Any thoughts?